Krogerus Chemicals Regulatory News, 24 October 2017
ECHA report: Chemicals management often not directly linked to companies’ sustainability strategies
A study commissioned by the European Chemicals Agency has found that REACH and CLP regulations have only indirect impact on companies’ sustainability and business strategies. Sustainable chemical management is driven more by regulatory requirements, customers’ expectations or by companies’ business strategies than by the industry's sustainability strategies.
According to ECHA's press release, the study shows that the REACH Candidate List is a major driver for innovation and substitution to less hazardous chemicals. The study makes a number of recommendations for ECHA to promote the sustainability approach and suggests, for instance, encouraging companies to include good chemicals management in their integrated corporate sustainability strategies by developing reporting tools and benchmarks.
Biocidal Products Committee adopts opinions on active substance approval applications
The ECHA Biocidal Products Committee (BPC) has adopted opinions on applications for approval of three active substances which are disinfectants chlorophene and PHMB (1415; 4.7) as well as preservative azoxystrobin.
The BPC recommended the approval of new active substance azoxystrobin for all the product types for which the approval was applied. As regards PHMB, the BPC approved only two of the five product types applied for and with respect of chlorophene, the Committee supported neither of the two product types. The applications remain subject to final decision by the European Commission.
Public consultation on Occupational Exposure Limits for acrylonitrile, benzene and nickel launched
ECHA has launched a public consultation to support ECHA's Risk Assessment Committee (RAC) in adopting opinions on Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs) for acrylonitrile, benzene and nickel.
The evaluations are based on the European Commission's earlier request for ECHA, as a part of a wider REACH and Occupational Health and Safety legislation alignment activities, to review the OELs for certain substances.