Krogerus Chemicals Regulatory News, 8 November 2017
ECHA publishes a draft list of 107 substances to be evaluated in 2018-2020
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) has published a list of 107 substances which are planned to be evaluated according to REACH substance evaluation process during years 2018 to 2020. The substances selected in the draft Community Rolling Action Plan (CoRAP) list are suspected PBT (persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic) and CMR (carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic for reproduction) substances and have wide dispersive use or consumer use. Several substances were selected to the list as suspected endocrine disruptors.
The conclusion of the evaluation process may be e.g. a proposal to initiate a restriction or authorisation process for the substance. In its press release, ECHA encourages the registrants of the CoRAP listed substances to coordinate their activities with the co-registrants and contact the evaluating national authority.
REACH restriction proposed for hazardous substances in tattoo inks and permanent make-up
ECHA, together with the competent authorities of Denmark, Italy and Norway, has prepared a REACH restriction proposal for tattoo and permanent make-up inks. The proposed restriction would ban or set concentration limits for approximately 4000 hazardous substances many of which are already banned by the cosmetics legislation or restricted due to their harmonised classification. The six-month public consultation on the proposed restriction is planned to be launched in mid-December.
A conditional REACH restriction laid down for NMP
The representatives of the EU Member States have approved the Dutch proposal to restrict the use of aprotic solvent 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) which is used e.g. in pH regulators and water treatment products. The restriction proposal, which will now be considered, and ultimately decided upon, by the European Commission is atypical in that it will only be enforced if the industry does not meet the specified stringent exposure limits for workers by the means of risk management measures and operational conditions. Similar restrictions are expected to be proposed for some other aprotic solvents in the future.