Krogerus Datasymposium 2022
European data regulation is in an unprecedented state of change. In the next few years, the new broad EU data regulation package will have a radical impact on how data generated by companies and actors can be used, how its use will be agreed on and in what ways will artificial intelligence be utilized.
Krogerus brought together guests from across the economy, from ~100 different corporations and public entities to discuss the topics at the Data Symposium on October 26 in Valkoinen Sali, Helsinki. We heard from Krogerus' TMT&IP Partner Kalle Hynönen and Senior Associates Alexander Bützow & Saara Leino, among speakers from multiple different sectors.
The programme was finished with the announcement that the Krogerus Technology & Data Protection practice group has dropped Protection from its name and is now called Technology & Data. The name change reflects the continuous development of the practice to meet the changing needs of the wider technology and data industry.
View recordings of the presentations here (in Finnish).