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Highlight — 18 May 2018
Krogerus advises SRV in connection with the final agreements for the construction of Supercell's new headquarters
Krogerus advised SRV in connection with entering into the final agreements in respect of Supercell's coming headquarters in Jätkäsaari, Helsinki.
The agreement for the construction of an office building and car park for Supercell is part of the Wood City wooden quarter project, developed by SRV, which is scheduled for completion in stages during 2020. The Wood City quarter will consist of an eight-storey office building, a hotel, two apartment buildings, and a shared three-storey parking facility. The total value of the Wood City quarter is about EUR 100 million.
The Krogerus team was led by partner Jan Johanson. He was mainly assisted by associate Riku Saarinen.
Next highlight — Krogerus advises Eniro on the acquisition of Elisa's customer service and corporate switchboard outsourcing businesses
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