Saara advises clients in complex data protection matters and legal issues related to new technologies. She has worked with technical experts and is keen to assist in more technical assessments as well. Due to her experience she has strong knowledge on working with both Finnish and European Data Protection Authorities. Prior to joining Krogerus, Saara worked as a senior officer at the Finnish Data Protection Authority.

Bützow A, Honkasalo P, Hynönen K, Leino S and Rantanen I, Datasäädös – käytännön käsikirja (Kauppakamari 2025) (forthcoming)
Education Background
Master of Laws, University of Helsinki (2017)
Human Technology Interface, University of Jyväskylä (ongoing)
Memberships and Affiliations
Finnish Bar Association
International Association for Privacy Professionals
Finnish, English
Legal assistant